A Travellerspoint blog

Home Again

sunny 22 °C

The flight back to Auckland passed without event: I was actually able to sleep most of the way. My car was where I had left it, at the Airport Gateway Motor Inn and despite the fact it had just been sitting there for several weeks, started without complaint. Just as well, because I had a Christmas dinner awaiting me and I didn't think the AA would be all that keen to attend on Christmas Day.

My family had plans to head to the central North Island on Boxing Day: my two brothers are keen four-wheel-drivers and so we had an outing to the 42 Traverse in the Tongariro Forest Park. It follows old logging tracks:


and has some spectacular views:


Along the way we met a gentleman who is walking the length of New Zealand - he seemed quite keen to sop and chat.


At the end, we found a piece that was more like a funnel than a track but we had to go through:


As all the guides say, the track finishes at the Owhango pub, so we had to stop in for a beer and a snack before heading back to the Park. On the way we encountered Raurimu Rex - the fellow who made this, Jack Marsden Mayer, has made quite a few sculptures of this sort, making up a "forgotten world" in Wade's Landing Lodge at Raurimu.


There was going to be a phase two to my trip but things change and I was home for the New Year. I found it odd that these guys were all lined up in the same spot at Kelly's Bay (in Northland):


And to finish off with something completely random, when I was growing up, every so often we would go to the dog trials, where dogs are put through their paces at herding sheep. Down south, they do things differently!


Posted by NZBarry 00:21 Archived in New Zealand

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